Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shakespeare, Who Dat???

My dealings or what I know of the Bard is superficial, general information. High school was the first encounter of Shakespeare. The reading of Romeo and Juliet was my very first, but none of my high school English teachers installed a passion for him or his works. Most of my English teachers used technology to "teach" Shakespeare. I watched various movies and read out load in class of the works, but it was never explored. This is the first semester that I have delved in to Shakespeare's work and hopefully I survive. On the plus side I was told drowning was a peaceful way to die. So if I do drown in the literary works that is Shakespeare at least I will be at peace knowing the passion that encompasses Him.
So as a preview listed below are work/ movies of Shakespeare that I am familiar with before this class started:
Romeo and Juliet: read, seen two movies
Julius Caesar: read, seen movie
Macbeth: read, seen movie
Taming of the Shrew: seen movie and "based off" version
Twelfth Night: read, seen "based off" version
Othello: read, seen movie and "based off" version
Hamlet: read
Much to About Nothing: seen movie

On another note that relates to dealing with Shakespeare:

When my folks and me were cleaning out my grandma's house I came across a complete anthology of Shakespeare. She brought it from England when she moved to the states. It is four red, leather, bound volumes that have the musty smell of oldness. Or just the smell it received from sitting in a cardboard box an X amount of years in a basement.
It was a great find. I plan on keeping it safe, so safe its in a seal proof, plastic box. I am so afraid to break, rip it that I don't want to really touch it; however, after being in this class for about three months. I'm going to bring it out and look at my found treasure. My X really does mark the spot.

On viewing videos in my Blog: click on the underlined/colored word.

Rewritten on March 20, 2011

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