Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Myth-ing the Text

What is important?

It’s a generalization or perhaps a rhetorical question with no definite answer. It is a person’s own opinion what is important to them and how they find it to be important. In class we were discussing “myth”-ing the text. Why is Shakespeare or the bible considered so important more so then all else and what we ourselves have myth-ed…

Let me tell share with you:

My first myth is the Moonlight Sonata sheet music. I forever wanted to learn how to play this piece and I did I learned how to play the piece and performed it at a recital. On the sheet of paper this music is printed on, my love is seen through the rips, holes, scribbles, tape, etc…I play this piece as much as I can but I don’t feel it is enough. Now one may argue that this is not a secular script, but I feel music tells its own story. When Beethoven composed this song what was he saying, feeling? Music is beautiful as is the written word just is something different.

My second myth of the secular scripture is *drum roll* the Harry Potter series. I love the Harry Potter series perhaps it is the lesser of the secular script but it is a world that I lose myself in, a world that is elsewhere. I love the hidden fantasy world or maybe I really like the idea of running around with a wand casting about spells. It is the fight of good and evil, but death wins. If you don’t know the meaning of that last statement maybe it is as good as time as ever to read the series.

For the Harry Potter Lovers if there are any non-literary snobs in the class enjoy watching these two videos: A Very Potter Musical Act 1 Scene 1 and Literal Trailer Parody.

Once Again to view videos please click on underlined/colored section or word.

Edited March 20, 2011

1 comment:

  1. hey you should put your name in the title of your blog so I know who you are.
