Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In a Dream

I had another thought. I recently saw the movie SuckerPunch. Warning Spoiler Alert!!! In my previous blog talking about MSND I mentioned the idea of dreams and that the play may have just been a dream. Like Milton's Paradise Lost. If you read an author's background on Paradise Lost, Milton says his muse came to him in a dream and told him what to write. I want to touch on the muse idea in another blog this blog is about dreams and the layers of dreams within the movies SuckerPunch. The main character, Baby Doll, has multiple "dreams." Her first is an escape into a 30's gentleman's club where she would dance. In this dream the main aspect is trying to escape before the high roller comes. She finds that when she dances she transfixes everyone and while she dances we enter into her other dream world. Which is mixed with intricacies of there own: I mean by the various landscapes post apocalyptic, a castle, a train with Terminator style robots, and a Chinese holy place. Each of these places she finds an item that she needs to escape. To end she realizes what the sage told her: "It will be the greatest sacrifice." Herself which allows someone to escape and brings us back to "reality." Where she is getting an icepick lobotomy at the mental institution. The slogan for the movie " Reality is a Prison." Living in her own dream seemed to be her only escape from "this" life. This brings back the topic of dreams, perhaps, in MSND when Puck says that this is a dream maybe it really was a dream. An unconscious collective of four people sharing in the concept of love and lost.

At the Beginning Again

Alas playing "catch-up" for a lost of words at which I still feel I am, but I have to do what I have to do. So to begin again:

Midsummer Night's Dream

Why Act 5?

I theorized that Shakespeare added Act 5 for:

Reason 1. I believe that he was satirizing the rest of the play. The mechanics of the play put on a horrible performance of Pyramus and Thisbe which is the myth that Romeo and Juliet is thus based off and the inverse of said play is *bells rings* Midsummer Night's Dream. It is based off of all the misinterpretations of what happened during the course of the play. During the night spent in the woods.

Reason 2.To encompass the idea of Dreams. (Freud would be so proud) At the beginning of Act 5 Thesus doesn't believe the lover's story of what happened in the "woods." He believes they are fables made for little kids; however, Hippolyta retorts by saying it was the same dream how can it not be truth. Towards the end Puck throws this out to the audience if we offended anyone then it was all just a dream.

I enjoy the idea of maybe it was all a dream. I wrote a short "soap opera" story for my friend in high school. She was the main character. She is bonked on the head and discovers she has ESP. Later she finds her boyfriend killed his mother and brother. The phone begins ringing right before the "final blow" because she had discovered his secret but she wakes up. Her dream boyfriend is leaning over her asking what is wrong. She said it was a dream and nothing more, but asks him where his mother and brother are. He replies with the same answer from the dream and in the background the phone begins to ring. And what a coincidence my friends name is Miranda.

Monday, March 7, 2011


It has been awhile since I have written. I stare at my blank canvas and can never figure exactly what to write. The line just blinks, awaiting patiently for something to do, but with a long sigh I exit the screen. I read some of the other blogs and see that my blog is sub par and that I need to step up my game and now in more ways then one. I have so many thoughts dancing around in my mind that they are convoluted when I jot them down. People may skim or actually read what I type, but not always know what the devil I am trying to say. I suppose it doesn't help that some times I don't know what I am always saying; however, with spring break coming up I will have that extra time needed to by my heart's romantic and write passionately and share my thoughts and answers. Well I look forward to sharing with you...