Monday, March 7, 2011


It has been awhile since I have written. I stare at my blank canvas and can never figure exactly what to write. The line just blinks, awaiting patiently for something to do, but with a long sigh I exit the screen. I read some of the other blogs and see that my blog is sub par and that I need to step up my game and now in more ways then one. I have so many thoughts dancing around in my mind that they are convoluted when I jot them down. People may skim or actually read what I type, but not always know what the devil I am trying to say. I suppose it doesn't help that some times I don't know what I am always saying; however, with spring break coming up I will have that extra time needed to by my heart's romantic and write passionately and share my thoughts and answers. Well I look forward to sharing with you...

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