Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In a Dream

I had another thought. I recently saw the movie SuckerPunch. Warning Spoiler Alert!!! In my previous blog talking about MSND I mentioned the idea of dreams and that the play may have just been a dream. Like Milton's Paradise Lost. If you read an author's background on Paradise Lost, Milton says his muse came to him in a dream and told him what to write. I want to touch on the muse idea in another blog this blog is about dreams and the layers of dreams within the movies SuckerPunch. The main character, Baby Doll, has multiple "dreams." Her first is an escape into a 30's gentleman's club where she would dance. In this dream the main aspect is trying to escape before the high roller comes. She finds that when she dances she transfixes everyone and while she dances we enter into her other dream world. Which is mixed with intricacies of there own: I mean by the various landscapes post apocalyptic, a castle, a train with Terminator style robots, and a Chinese holy place. Each of these places she finds an item that she needs to escape. To end she realizes what the sage told her: "It will be the greatest sacrifice." Herself which allows someone to escape and brings us back to "reality." Where she is getting an icepick lobotomy at the mental institution. The slogan for the movie " Reality is a Prison." Living in her own dream seemed to be her only escape from "this" life. This brings back the topic of dreams, perhaps, in MSND when Puck says that this is a dream maybe it really was a dream. An unconscious collective of four people sharing in the concept of love and lost.

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