Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TV and Movie connections

I watch a lot of movies and have been watching a lot of TV. I enjoy the story arc in TV shows: such as Dexter, the Killing, Eureka, X-files, etc… I was watching season 6 of Bones and the episode had an interesting character. A man dressed as a Shakespeare. In the show the psychologist states he has a dissociative personality. As such he only talks in Shakespearean language. (The word Shakespearean was in the spell check list. It is just that main stream.) I was thinking about how many TV shows or movies I have seen that made a connection to Shakespeare.

The Ghost of Cantervile, I love this movie. How can one not love this movie, Patrick Stewart stars as the agnostic character. The female lead,, connects with him because quote “you are ruining my life with your fake blood act.” Anyways they perform the scene in Hamlet where Hamlet’s dead father returns. Also you find early that he knew Shakespeare personally and helped create some of his fine plays. Anyways love, love this movie.

I can’t think of any other references off the top of my head but there are others.

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